Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall Quarter

The past few days has been good to me. I'm taking 20 credits at Tacoma Community College, goal being an university transfer degree in engineering so I can go to University of Washington to obtain a bachelor's in aeronautics and astronautics. The classes look much more interesting than what I had at Rochester Institute of Technology - Intro to Philosophy is actually going to have debates in the last few weeks of class! RIT did not have these, which shows me that, while it isn't a half-bad school, it is alarmingly egg-headed.

Other than Intro to Philosophy, I'm taking Intro to Psychology, Psychology of Human Sexuality, and Calculus I. Three of these four I am repeating from the Institute in order to raise my GPA. Once I complete Calculus I satisfactorily, I should be able to get to the real meat of my degree.


beauty for ashes said...

UW professors really do rock. many of them put time into their classes to make it interesting. some of them are even over-qualified!

Eric M. Shear said...

Wow, quite a contrast from RIT. I had yet to have one professor like that there. Just lectures and labs and some corny jokes, but not much else :(